BBOSE Result 2020 | Bihar Open Result 2020 for Class 10th and 12th.

Here we are with BBOSE Result 2020 details. So, students of Class 10th and 12th from Bihar Open board can attain  Full information here. Bihar Board of Open Schooling and Examination (BBOSE) releases the category 10th and 12th result officially on its website – While students can try their result directly through the link provided on this page. Please note the link get active as per the official declaration. to test BBOSE Result 2020 students have to select their examination and enter their roll number, date of birth, accrediation number and exam centre code. to grasp more thoroughly follow the content below.

BBOSE Result 2020:

Bihar open board conducts the category 10th and 12th exams annually twice a year. One within the month of June and also the other within the month of December. The result for both the session releases at the individual login at different logins. BBOSE Result for June session releases by the month of September. While the result for December session releases by the month of March. Now, to grasp the important dates regarding BBOSE Result 2020 check the table given below.

How To Check  Bihar Open Class 10th and 12th Result 2020:

Bihar open board declares the category 10th and 12th result for both sessions online. Thus, to test and download it students are required to follow the steps as given below.

1st Step- Firstly, click on the link of the result available on this page. or visit its official website to test the provision of the result.
2nd Step- As you click on the link a login window opens on your screen.

3rd Step- Here you wish to pick your class first that's secondary or senior secondary the n enter your roll number, date of birth, accrediation number, exam centre number.
4th Step- After this click on the ‘Submit’ button.
5th Step- Now, your required result appear on the screen.
6th Step- Check your marks obtained carefully and download it future correspondence.

Bihar Open Secondary Result 2020:

BBOSE class 10th result releases online at the login. Thus, to test it students must enter the desired credentails by following certain steps as mentioned above. BBOSE class 10th exams conducted twice a year. One within the month of June and also the other within the month of December. Now, if consider the previous year data then class 10th exams for June session conducted from July 17 to 30 and also the result for the identical was announced on September 16. While for December session the exams conducted from June 03 to 13, 2020 and also the result for the identical release by the month of March. Those students who have succesfully registered for the exams are only eligible to seem for the exams.

Official Website:

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