Bihar Madarsa Result 2020 (Available) – Check BSMEB Result 2020 for Wastania, Fauquania and Moulvi Exams:

Bihar Madarsa Result 2020 – BSMEB has declared Bihar Madarsa result for Wastania, Fauquania and Molvi exams 2020. The result are often checked online at or by accessing the direct link on this page. to test the result, students have to log in using roll code and roll number. After the declaration of the result, the Student are supplied with the ability for evaluation. Check more details on BSMEB Result 2020 from this page.

»Bihar Madarsa Result 2020:

This year, the board has declared the result for Bihar Madarsa exam 2020 for Wastania, Fauquania and Molvi much sooner than previous year. Students can check the schedule for declaration of Bihar madarsa result 2020 from the table below.

»How To Check BSMEB Result 2020:

Bihar Madarsa board has released the result on its official website. the Student can either click on the link provided on this page. Or visit the official website. Given below are the easy steps to test the result. the Student can follow the identical to download theirs.

Step.1- Firstly, the Student have to click on the link of their respective class from the links provided on this page.
Step.2 - As you do so, a new page appears on the screen. Here, you need to navigate and click on the link of the result under table section.
Step.3 - A new page with the login window appears on the screen. On this page, the students need to submit the required login details to check the result.
Step.4- The result appears on the screen. the Student can check and download the result for future purposes.

»BSMEB Wastania Result 2020:

BSMEB Wastania result's the result released for all the Student of Class 8th. Bihar Madarsa board conducts the category 8th exams within the month of January. After the completion of the exams, the Student were eagerly looking forward to their result to be out. Bihar board has released the result on its official website within the month of February. Previously, the result was out on May 25. While this year, the board has released the result much earlier. to test the result, the Student have to select their roll code and submit the roll number.

»BSMEB Fauquania Result 2020:

BSMEB Fauquania result's the result for Class 12th students. Annually thousand of Student appear for the exams conducted within the month of January. While the result releases within the month of August on the official wesbite itself. to test the result, the Student need to submit their roll code and roll number within the login space provided. Previously, the result was out on August 20. the Student can expect the identical schedule this year too.

»Bihar Madarsa Moulvi Result 2020:


Every year thousands of the Student appear for the Moulvi exams conducted for the category 12th students. Bihar Madarsa board conducts these exams within the month of January followed by the result by the third week of August. Unlike Fauquania result, the Student need to submit their roll code and roll number to test the Moulvi result. If we glance at the previous year schedule, Moulvi result was out on August 20. the identical is anticipated for this year yet.

»Bihar State Madarsa Education Board (BSMEB):

Bihar State Madarsa Education Board may be a state level board which is popularly called BSMEB. Abdul Qaiyum Ansari, Chairperson, Bihar Madarsa Board geared toward the entire development of kid, including health & morality and character building. Bihar Madarsa board consists of three courses- wastania (class 8th), fauquania (class 10th) and moulvi (class 12th). Madarsa exams happen within the month of January. After the completion of the exams, the board releases the Madarsa result on its official website.

Official Website:

                                                    !Thank You

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